Month: June 2020
Reliable Chain, Problematic Content
A reliable and authentic chain [سند] does not always mean the Hadith itself is authentic. There may be problems with the content [المتن]. Ibn Al-Jawzi says: ألا ترى أنه لو اجتمع خلق من الثقات، فأخبروا أن الجمل دخل في سم الخياط، لما نفعتنا ثقتهم، و...
View DetailsFemale Circumcision And FGM
Did the Prophet encourage Female Circumcision? - ختان الإناث No - each Hadith recommending this practice is weak (ضعيف). There is no authentic report that the Prophet COMMANDED or RECOMMENDED his own daughters, his wives or any other women to get c...
View DetailsFalse Rumours
How false rumours spread ... فُتِنَ الشَّعبِيُّ لَمّا Imam Sha'bi was a judge in the courts of the Umayyad Dynasty. A dispute between a husband and wife was brought to him. He rightly ruled in favour of the wife because her case was stronger. Inci...
View DetailsWife of Satan
The name of the Wife of Satan - اسم امرأة إبليس We sometimes delve into topics and ask question that have zero impact on our Dunya and Akhirah. A man asked Imam Sha'bi : ما اسم امرأة إبليس ؟ "What is the n...
View DetailsBeating Children [Weak Hadith]
Did the Prophet encourage beating Children? No - This Hadith is declared weak (ضعيف): "The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) is reported to have said: مروا أولادكم بالصلاة وهم أبناء سبع سنين، واضربوهم عليها، وهم أبناء عشر "Command your children to per...
View DetailsFollow The Evidences
A man said to Imam Ahmad - رحمة الله عليه - [after he gave a ruling based on evidence]: "But Ibn al-Mubarak says such and such!" Imam Ahmad said: "Ibn Mubarak did not descend from the sky!!" وَقَ...
View DetailsHomosexuality Has No Prescribed Punishment
Is there a prescribed punishment [حد] for homosexuality? No. The scholars unanimously agree that homosexuality is a major sin and whoever allows it commits kufr. However: Unlike the Bible - the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah did not prescribe a puni...
View DetailsTrials & Tribulations
There is a famous proverb, which says: أعط الخبز لخبازه ولو أكل نصفه "Give the (job of making) the bread to a baker, even if he eats half of it." The armed groups in our lands have zeal, but no kno...
View DetailsHuman Devils
Human Devils vs Jinn Devils - شيطان الإنس وشيطان الجن "Human Devils are more dangerous than the Jinn Devils. If you read Ayatul-Kursi on the Jinn Devil, he will run away. If you read Ayatul-Kursi on the Hu...
View DetailsScholars Working With Rulers
Can Scholars get close to Tyrannical Rulers? - الإمام الشوكاني Yes - if they command good [أمر بمعروف] and forbid evil [نهي عن منكر]. Imam Al-Shawkani has written a golden Risalah on this topic, in which he writes: فإن قلت: قد يكون من المل...
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