Month: July 2020
Extremely Long Beards Are Foolish
An extremely Long Beard is Foolishness - اللحية An extremely long beard, was considered a sign of negligence (غفلة) and foolishness (حمق) by the Salaf. For this reason, some scholars of Hadith would weaken/criticise (جرح) someone for having a massi...
View DetailsThe Missing Camel
The Prophet's camel went missing - ناقة رسول الله Some of his companions went looking for it ... A hypocrite said to them: أليس محمد يزعم أنه نبي ويخبركم عن خبر السماء وهو لا يدري أين ناقته؟ "Doesn't Moham...
View DetailsA Funny Incident
The funny Tabi'i Imam A'mash - الأعمش A'mash had a silly son. He once told his son: “Go and buy us a rope to hang clothes on it." His son asked: "How long?" A'mash said: "10 cubits."...
View DetailsThe Burdens On Women
The burdens on her shoulders | خدمة المرأة لزوجها Islamically speaking - a woman does NOT have to: - Cook food - Wash clothes - Clean the home - Iron Clothes - And so on ... In other words brothers: When our mothers, wives and daughters carry out...
View DetailsAmin Al-Shanqiti
It is reported that Shaykh Mohammad Amin al-Shanqiti - who was very close to the Najdis and is considered a teacher of major Salafi scholars - once said in a discussion to his opponent: يا مصري! من أخبرك أن الرسول الذي أرسل إليَّ، ووجب عليَّ الإيمان...
View DetailsAlbani On Ibn Abdul-Wahab
Albani's criticism of Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahab الألباني: محمد بن عبدالوهاب فيه غلو وشده Albani considered Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahab a reformer and praised his Da'wah, but he also criticised them for their excessive Takfir. Albani says about Muhammad...
View DetailsPlucking Eyebrows
Are all women who pluck eyebrows cursed - النمص ? No. It could be permissible - if done for the right reasons. And it will be impermissible - if done for the wrong reasons. Aishah reported: نَهَى رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم عَنِ ... النَّا...
View DetailsWashing Each Body Part Once In Wudhu
Is it OK to wash each body part only ONCE during Wudhu - الوضوء? Yes. 1- Ibn `Abbas said: تَوَضَّأَ النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم مَرَّةً مَرَّةً 'The Prophet (ﷺ) performed ablution by washing the body parts only once.' [Sahih Bukhari, 157]. 2- I...
View DetailsToilet Paper Is Sufficient, Water Is Better
Is cleaning yourself with stones or toilet paper (الاستجمار) enough for Wudhu? Yes - but don't tell your parents! They might kick you out of the house and call you a "Wahabi" 😂 Scholarly views: 1- Al-Baji Maliki says in 'Al-Muntaqa', (1/46): أنه ك...
View DetailsWood Gatherer At Night
Wood Gatherer at Night - حاطب ليل Imaam Shaafi'ee said: مثل الذي يطلب العلم بلا حجة كمثل حاطب ليل يحمل حزمة حطب وفيه أفعى تلدغه وهو لا يدري "The person who takes knowledge without Hujjah (evidence/proof/au...
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