Month: September 2020
God’s Patience With The Oppressors
God's Patience with the Oppressors - الظالمين It has been said: مر عامر بن بهدلة برجل قد صلبه الحجاج فقال: يا رب إن حلمك على الظالمين قد أضر بالمظلومين. فرأى في منامه أن القيامة قد قامت وكأنه قد دخل الجنة، فرأى المصلوب فيها في أعلى عليين، وإذا مناد...
View DetailsThe Prophet & His Nation
The Prophet tries to Save his Nation - صحيح مسلم The Prophet once said to the people: مَثَلِي وَمَثَلُكُمْ كَمَثَلِ رَجُلٍ أَوْقَدَ نَارًا فَجَعَلَ الْجَنَادِبُ وَالْفَرَاشُ يَقَعْنَ فِيهَا وَهُوَ يَذُبُّهُنَّ عَنْهَا وَأَنَا آخِذٌ بِحُجَزِ...
View DetailsFornication
60 Years Worship & 6 Nights Fornication - مصنف ابن أبي شيبة Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud said: إنَّ راهبًا عَبَدَ اللهَ في صومعته ستين سنة، فجاءت امرأةٌ فنزلت إلى جنبه، فنزل إليها فواقعها ستَّ ليال، ثم أُسقط في يده، ثم هرب، فأتى مسجدًا فأوى فيه، فمكث ثل...
View DetailsWorking In A Non-Islamic Government
Working in a Non-Islamic Government - قصة يوسف This is permissible IF someone is capable to bring REFORM and will not be forced to do un-Islamic practices. The Prophet Yusuf - عليه السلام - said to the King of Egypt - who was a disbeliever: اجْعَل...
View DetailsNo Compulsion In Religion
No Compulsion in Religion - PART 2 - لا إكراه في الدين Did you know that even in a country that is governed by Islamic Law: the Jews and Christians are allowed to freely practice their religion, eat pork, drink wine, visit their church etc. in their...
View DetailsThe Ruling On Those Who Don’t Pray
A zealous young man asked Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali: سأل شابٌ الشيخ محمد الغزالي رحمه الله: "ما حكم تارك الصلاة يا شيخ؟" فأجابه: "حكمه أن تأخذه معك إلى المسجد.. كن داعيًا قبل أن تكون قاضيًا!! " “What is the ruling on someone who doe...
View DetailsNo Compulsion In Religion
No Compulsion in Religion - لا إكراه في الدين Many scholars said, that a Muslim man CANNOT stop his Christian or Jewish WIFE from drinking alcohol, eating pork or going to the church. 1- Imam Maalik said 1,200 years ago: وقال مالك : ليس للرجل أن يم...
View DetailsIslamic Civilization
For over 1,000 years: The Islamic Civilisation had this exotic flare to it ... 1001 Arabian Nights ... Aladdin ... Sinbad ... Ali Baba and the 40 thieves ... People generally viewed the ISLAMIC CIVILISATION as a mystic, spiritual, ancient and beau...
View DetailsDisciplining Children
Disciplining Children When Young - تربية الأولاد If you leave disciplining too late, it will be as some scholars said: الضرب على حديد بارد "BEATING COLD IRON." It’s useless ... The iron will refuse to bend to your will. When the iron is hot, you...
View DetailsWhere The Sahaba Bloodthirsty?
Where the Sahaba bloodthirsty? - إقامة الحدود The Prophet used to make excuses for people who had committed sins that deserved prescribed punishments - in order to avoid punishing them. His companions also used to cover and hide the sins of others ...
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