Month: February 2021
Fitnah Is Asleep
It is said in old classical books: الفتنةُ نائمةٌ لعن اللهُ من أيقظها "Fitnah is asleep, may God curse the one who awakens her!" There is a funny story from the times of Jahiliyah: A man married a girl, her name was "Fitnah" (which could mean a temp...
View DetailsHow Debating Should Be Done
How the Salaf used to Debate - الإمام أبي حنفية Imam Abu Hanifah is reported to have said: كنا نناظر وكأن على رؤوسنا الطير ، مخافة أن يزل صاحبنا ، وانتم تناظرون وتريدون زلة صاحبكم "We used to debate in such a calm manner th...
View DetailsCupping Is Not Religious
Ibn Taymiyah explained that cupping (حجامة) was meant for people in those hot countries, it will harm people in cold countries: وقوله "شفاء أمتي": إشارة إلى من كان حينئذ من أمته وهم كانوا بالحجاز. كما قال: ما بين المشرق والمغرب قبلة لأن هذا ...
View DetailsLizard Hadith
A Shaykh mentioned the Hadith about imitating the previous nations: حتى إذا دخلوا جحر ضب "EVEN IF THEY WERE TO ENTER A LIZARD'S HOLE (you will follow)" (Hadith) - the Shaykh said: "It was extracted (أخرجه) by...
View DetailsPraising Your Wife
A wife said to her husband: ألا تمدحني ولو قليلا "I want you to praise me, even if its a little!" Her husband said: يا ليت عندي منك أربعة "I wish I had four of you."...
View DetailsScholarly Differences Are A Blessing
10 Classical Scholars: The differences in the branches of religion are a Mercy - اختلافهم رحمة This is not an authentic Hadith, but the meaning is endorsed by the majority of fuqaha. Some people thought that just because that is not a Hadith, the en...
View DetailsFitnah Of Khawarij
Fitnah of Khawaarij - فتنة الخوارج The devil misguides some people with kufr, and others by making them misunderstand Islam. A good example are the Khawarij extremists. 1- Ibn Al-Jawzi said: واستحلوا دماء الأطفال, ولم يستحلوا أكل ثمرة بغير ثمنها "...
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Yahya travelled from Spain to Madinah to study with Imam Malik. As Imam Malik was teaching, somebody announced: "The elephants have arrived!!" All students rushed outside, to see the elephants, except Yahya....
View DetailsIjtihad Gets Easier
Imam al-Shawkani explained why Ijtihad is easier for the later generations: فإنه لا يخفى على من له أدنى فهم أن الاجتهاد قد يسره الله للمتأخرين تيسيرا لم يكن للسابقين ; لأن التفاسير للكتاب العزيز قد دونت ، وصارت في الكثرة إلى حد لا يمكن حصره ، والسنة...
View DetailsCracked Pot
A cracked pot may contain useful water. An imperfect person may bring us beneficial knowledge. The Prophet said: ورب حامل فقه ليس بفقيه "And perhaps the one who carries the Fiqh is not a Faqih.” [Sahih Ibn Hibban, n...
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