Month: March 2021

About keeping secrets ... it is said: صدور الأبرار قبور الأسرار "the chests of the pious (abraar), are graveyards of secrets (asraar)." Meaning: when a secret reaches the ear of a good person, it d...

Some scholars believed that it is recommended to pronounce the intention verbally. Ibn Kathir narrates that Al-Hamdani said: كان أبي إذا أراد أن يؤدبني أخذ العصا بيده ثم يقول : نويت أن أضرب ولدي تأديبا كما أمر الله ثم يضربني ، قال : وإلى أن...

Funny Story: الشيخ كشك رحمه الله Shaykh Kishk was once summoned by an oppressive government official. The official asked: "What separates you from a donkey?" Kishk replied: "The table that is between us."...

Imam al-Shaybani, the student of Abu Hanifah was fat. Imam Shafi'ii said: ما أفلح سمين قط إلا أن يكون محمد بن الحسن "No fat man has been successful except Mohammad Ibn Hassan al-Shaybani." ["Siyar A'lam al-Nubala", ...

"Till death do us part" ... this is not an Islamic concept. If marriages get toxic and don’t work out - separate. The Qur'an states: فَأَمْسِكُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ فَارِقُوهُنَّ بِمَعْرُوفٍ "Either keep them honourably or part with them in honou...

As a Warning to Muftis - Ibn Umar once said: تدري ما يريد هؤلاء؟ يريدون أن يجعلوا ظهورنا جسرًا لهم إلى جهنم "Do you know what these people want? They want to make our backs a bridge to Hell." ["Jam...

A Bedouin woman was with her donkeys outside. Some kids tried to make fun of her, saying: "Good morning, mother of donkeys!" She replied: "Good morning, my children!" ساقت أعرابية أربعة حمير، فالتقى...

When Imam Ahmad was imprisoned, one of the prison guards came to him and asked: يا أبا عبد الله الحديث الذي روي في الظلمة وأعوانهم صحيح ؟ “Is the hadith regarding the oppressors and those that aid them authe...

How many MAJOR SINS are there - كبائر ? Sh Haatim al-'Awni says that the quantity of 'major sins' was much less according to the early scholars, as compared to later scholars: 1- Al-Bardiji (301 AH) wrote the first book about MAJOR SINS, he listed:...

If you are a kid reading this: skip this post and go back to your PlayStation/Xbox. So ... a man asked Imam Sha'bi: قال رجل للشعبي: ما تقول في امرأة تقول لزوجها إذا وطئها قتلتني أوجعتني؟ فقال: يقتلها بذلك وديتها في عنقي. "What do you say about a wo...