Month: March 2021

A thief stole something from a man and ran away. The man told his servant to catch him. The servant ran after him, but the thief escaped. The man asked : "Why couldn't you catch him?!" The servant replied [this is in Farsi]: آن برای خودش می‌...

Did you know that classical scholars used to write laughter as "haha - هه هه" in their books? Here is a "haha" recorded from one of the Salaf, with a SAHIH ISNAAD: 1- Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal narrates: حدثنا عبد الله حدثني ابي حدثنا عفان بن مس...

There was a tall and unattractive looking Bedouin. He married a short and good looking woman. The plan was that the child would inherit HIS height and HER beauty. Instead, the child inherited HER ""height"" and HIS ""beauty"". قال الأصمعي: كان أعراب...

Is wearing Amulets polytheism - شرك? If what is written inside it, contains Kufr and Shirk - it is kufr and shirk - and forbidden. If it contains the Names of God and supplications from the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah - then it is allowed. EVIDENC...

When you borrow a book, return it as it was given to you: A man borrowed a book from Imam Al-Isfarayini. He returned the book, with leftovers of fruit inside it. Later on, the man wanted to borrow another bo...

Life Lesson: لا تكن حلوا فتؤكل .. ولا تكن مرا فتلفظ "Don't be too sweet, or people will swallow you; Don't be too bitter, or people will spit you out." ----------------- If you are always Mr. Nice ...

Did you know that PLANTS & TREES also have a genetic code? 🧬 🧬 🧬 Human DNA: could fill 100 Encyclopaedia Books. This is highly sophisticated intelligent data, containing the blue-print and building-blocks of life. A single mistaken letter, can...

If you think your handwriting is bad - Safi al-Din al-Hindi said: وجدت في سوق الكتب مرة كتابا بخط ظننته أقبح من خطي فغاليت في ثمنه واشتريته لأحتج به على من يدعي أن خطي أقبح الخطوط فلما عدت إلى البيت وجدته بخطي القديم ′′I found a book at the antique ...

The Blind Men & The Elephant Yes , Islam does support some aspects of Communism, Capitalism, Democracy, Feminism, Vegetarianism, Nationalism etc. But our Prophet was NOT a Communist, Capitalist, Democrat, Feminist, Nationalist nor a Vegetarian....

A Bedouin claimed to be a Prophet. The armies arrested him and took him to the ruler. The ruler asked: "Are you a Prophet?" The Bedouin said: "Yes." The ruler asked: "Who wer...