Day: May 1, 2021
You Mean Everything To Me
A man wanted to visit Africa. He asked his wife: "What shall I bring you from Africa?" She said: "A little monkey." Het forgot, so when he came back, he apologised to his wife. She said: "It's OK dear, your presence is sufficient." قبل أن يسافر الزو...
View DetailsTravellers
A man used to give a lot of charity. People were surprised at his generosity. He said: لو أن رجلا أراد أن ينتقل من دار إلى دار أكان يبقي في الأولى شيئا؟ "If a person was moving home, would he leave anything behind in his old house?" * He meant, movi...
View DetailsTimes Have Changed
Riyadh - Saudi Arabia The media thinks we still live in tents and ride donkeys...
View DetailsDelivery Method Is Important
A shopkeeper asked another shop-keeper: "Why do people buy from you, but not from me?" He replied: أنا أبيع الخل بلسان من عسل، و أنت تبيع العسل بلسان من خل "I sell vinegar with a tongue, sweet like honey; You sell honey with...
View DetailsEat To Live
It is said: " ينبغي للمرء أن يأكل ليحيا لا أن يحيا ليأكل " "Eat to Live; don't Live to Eat."...
View DetailsWorse Than Ignorance
A man was asked if there is anything worse than ignorance. He replied: نعم الجهل بالجهل "Yes, people being ignorant (unaware) of their ignorance."...
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