Day: July 30, 2021
Rotten Fruits
“Don’t take revenge, the rotten fruits will fall by themselves.” انتقام مه اخلئ … ګنده میوې پخپله ښکته غورځیږي!...
View DetailsKhariji Delusions
Imam Tabari said that the takfiri Khawarij of old believed: وأن في جهاد أهل القبلة الفضل والأجر "That the "jihaad" against the people of the Qiblah is meritorious and rewarding." ["Tarikh Tabari", 5/174]. Like their remnants today,...
View DetailsThe Best Of You
Hardships bring out the best & worst out of people. Imam Shafi'ii said in a poem, that one should be: كعود زاده الإحراق طيباً 'Like an incense stick (‘oud) which intensifies its nice scent the more it is burnt..."...
View DetailsTolerate Differences Of Opinions
It is said that an army lost a historic battle, because all their generals agreed on their strategy. If some had disagreed, they would have identified the weaknesses in their strategy, which they could have turned into strengths. Don't create 'echo-c...
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