Day: December 16, 2021

Dostoevsky once said: ‎لايمكنك أن تُشفى فى نفس البيئة التى جعلتك مريضًا “You cannot heal in the same environment that made you sick.” If you find yourself in a toxic environment - get out....

A beggar knocked on a door and said: "I need bread please!" A man shouted back to him from inside the house, saying: "Go away, the women are not home!" The beggar said: "I need bread, not a kiss." مردی فقیری پشت دروازه یک خانه رسید و صدا زد! یک توته...

It is said: كانت العرب تكره للرجل الدخول في خصومات النساء 'Arabs used to dislike that men get involved in disputes between women.' In our culture it is the same: if a man gives high importance, or gets involved in p...