Day: March 8, 2022
The Power Of Supplication
Do you actually believe that your Du'a will be answered? A man built a pub next to a mosque and the Imam of the mosque kept making Du'a to God to destroy the pub. An earthquake happened and the pub collapsed. The owner of the pub sued the Imam, sayi...
View DetailsBe Fair When Judging
Imam Ibn al-Wazir al-Yamaani said: "وقد ذكرت غير مرة أن في كل فرقة طوائف شاذةً تقول بمنكراتٍ من البدع، فمن أضاف بدعهم إلى عموم الفرقة التي شَذُّوا منها فقد أساء، وتَنَزَّل منزلة الذين يحبون أن تشيع الفاحشة في الذين آمنوا "I have mentioned m...
View DetailsEncouraging Your Husband
A Billionaire once challenged some fellow tourists that if any of them swims across this lake full of crocodiles, he will give them $1,000,000. They all hesitated…… Someone pushed one poor guy from behind and when the adrenaline kicked in, he somehow...
View DetailsBroken Mirrors
It is said: إيّاك أن تنظر إلى المرآة المكسورة! ‘Beware of looking into broken mirrors...’ A broken mirror will show YOU as broken, but you may not be in pieces… the flaws may be within the mirror. When we seek val...
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