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So … a man asked Imam Sha’bi:

قال رجل للشعبي: ما تقول في امرأة تقول لزوجها إذا وطئها قتلتني أوجعتني؟
فقال: يقتلها بذلك وديتها في عنقي.
“What do you say about a woman who says to her husband during the act: “you are killing me!”
Sha’bi said: “Let him kill her, her blood money can be on my neck.”

[“Muhadarat al-‘Udaba’, of al-Raghib al-Isfahani, 3/266].

I’ve filtered out some words to keep it clean…

* NOTE: The salaf are reported to have said that Rifq (gentleness) is good in everything, except during intimacy. It is NOT talking about rape or anything like that, this is not literal and it is in the context of mutual consent, between married people.

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