Marriage & Studies

Studying vs Marriage – طالب العلم والزواج

Many scholars believe that marriage is no hindrance to studying, but some scholars of the Salaf believed it is a barrier because with marriage come responsibilities and distractions.

It is recommended for people who are single to make the most of their free time.

1- Imam Bishr al-Hafi said:
ضاع العلم بين افخاذ النساء
“Knowledge was lost between the thighs of women.”
[“Al Masnu fi Marifat al-Hadith al-Mawdu”, p. 120].

2- Other scholars said:
ذبح العلم بين أفخاذ النساء
“Knowledge was slaughtered between the thighs of women.”
[“Kashf al-Khafa'”, 1/476].

3- Ibrahim Ibn Adham used to say:
من تعود أفخاذ النساء لم يفلح
“Whoever gets attached to the thigs of women will not succeed.”
ما افلح من احب افخاذ النساء
“Whoever loves the thighs of women will not succeed.”
[“Hilyah al-Awliya”, 8/11].

4- Sufyan al-Thawri said:
إذا تزوج الفقيه فقد ركب البحر ، فإن ولد له فقد كسر به
“When a jurist marries, its as if he embarks (a ship to sail) the ocean and when his child is born, its as if his ship wrecks!”
[“Siyar A’lam an-Nubala”, 6/585].

5- Abu Nasr al-Sijzi said:
كنا متى تزوج أحدنا سقط عنه اسم طالب العلم
“When one of us used to get married, we no longer used to call them ‘student of knowledge’.

6- Khatib al-Baghdadi said:
المستحب لطالب الحديث ان يكون عزباً ما أمكنه، ذلك لئلا يقتطعه الاشتغال بحقوق الزوجة الاهتمام بالمعيشة عن الطلب
“It is recommended for the student of Hadith sciences to remain single if possible.”
[“Al-Jaami li Akhlaq al-Rawi”, 1/101].

7- Imam Nawawi narrates:
وقال سفيان لرجل : تزوجت ؟ فقال : لا ، قال : ما تدري ما أنت فيه من العافية .
“Sufyan al-Thawri asked a man: “Are you married?” The man said: “No.” Sufyan said: “You have no idea how blessed you are.”
[“Al-Majmu”, 1/65].

NOTE: this is not to discourage marriage but to encourage utilising free time.

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