Stupid Judges

Judges can sometimes give the stupidest rulings:

وارتفع رجلان إلى أبي ضمضم، فقال أحدهما: أبقاك اللَّه، إن هذا قتل ابني. قال: هل لابنك أم؟ قال: نعم. قال: ادفعها إليه حتى يولدها لك ولدا مثل ولدك، ويربيه حتى يبلغ مثل ولدك، ويبرأ به إليك.

Two men went to court.
One of them said: “This man has killed my son.”
The judge asked: “Does your son have a mother?”
The man said: “Yes.”
The judge ruled: “Give her to the man until he makes her pregnant with a son like yours and he raises him to be at your son’s age and then give him back to you.”


And there is another story about a cow, which had attacked and killed a man due to negligence of its owner. People went to a judge for judgement. The judge ruled: “The cow should get the capital punishment.” 😂

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