Wrong Priorities
Sometimes, people get concerned about petty stuff, while ignoring major stuff.
Ibn Al-Jawzi wrote 800 years ago:
رجل زنى بامرأة فأحبلها ،
فَقِيلَ لَهُ : لم تعزل !
فَقَالَ : بلغني أن العزل مكروه .
فَقِيلَ لَهُ : وما بلغك أن الزنا حرام
” تلبيس إبليس ” (ص314)
A man fornicated with a woman AND made her pregnant.
(double trouble)
A man asked him: “Why did you not use contraception (coitus interruptus – to at least prevent the pregnancy)?”
He replied: “It had reached me that ‘coitus interruptus’ (العزل) is discouraged in Islam (makroh).”
The man said: “And it had not reached you that fornication is forbidden in Islam (haram)???”
(“Talbis Iblis”, 314).
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