Animal Rights

Animal Rights – حقوق الحيوان

Look at what our fuqaha said centuries ago:

Khatib al-Shirbini ash-Shaafi’ii said 500 years ago:
لا يحلب المالك من لبن دابته ما يضرُّ ولدها؛ لأنَّه غذاؤه كولد الأمة، وإنَّما يحلب ما فضل عن ريِّ ولدها،
ولا يجوز الحلب إذا كان يضرُّ بالبهيمة؛ لقلَّة علفها،
ويُسَنُّ أن لا يستقصي الحالب في الحلب، بل يدع في الضرع شيئًا،
وأن يقصَّ أظفاره؛ لئلاَّ يُؤذيها،
ويحرم جزُّ الصوف من أصل الظهر ونحوه وكذا حلقه؛ لما فيهما من تعذيب الحيوان.
“It is not permissible for the owner to milk his cattle to an extent that harms her calf, because it is their sustenance.
Only the excessive milk, that is left after the calf had its full is to be extracted.
It is also not permitted to milk cattle, if it harms the cattle, for example due to lack of fodder.
It is legislated not to probe the udder (and fully drain it), rather, some milk should be left in the udder.
And to clip her nails, because it may annoy her.
And it is forbidden to pluck her wool from its root, and to shave it – because it tortures the animal.”
[“Al-Iqnaa”, 2/483].

Imam Al-Bujairimi adds to this:
فيحرم شرب لبن البهيمة ، إلا ما فضل عن ابنها أو يستغني عنه
حتى لو لم يكف العجل لبن أمه ، وجب عليه أن يشتري له لبنا أيضا لأن نفقته واجبة عليه
“It will be haraam (forbidden) to drink the milk of cattle, except what is left over from her calf or she no longer needs it.
In fact, if the milk of her mother was not enough to feed the calf, it will be waajib (compulsory) on him to buy additional milk for the calf, because he is obliged to provide her sustenance.”
[“Hashiyah al-Bujairimi”, 11/369].


There is a lot of cruelty taking place in our lands and also in the Western meat-industry – which is driven by selfish Capitalistic greed.
Animals get stacked up in cages, they get electrocuted, they get beaten up, they are left in the cold/heat, they don’t get fed on time, etc.
While our scholars were talking about clipping the nails of cattle 500 years ago!!!
So Muslims today should be at the forefront of condemning animal cruelty.
One extreme is to humanise animals, but the other extreme is to be dissentive to animal suffering.
Both extremes are wrong.
God allowed us to utilise the milk, fur and meat of some animals – if there is a need for it.
At the same time, these animals have rights upon us.
The Prophet taught us to treat all animals with kindness and he evoked God’s curse on people who mistreat animals.
One person went to heaven for giving water to a dog, another person went to Hell for starving a cat.
Scores will be settled on the Day of Judgement.
On that Day, even a small sparrow will ask for her rights and get justice, according to the Prophet!!

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