Human DNA

Did you know that PLANTS & TREES also have a genetic code? ๐Ÿงฌ ๐Ÿงฌ ๐Ÿงฌ

Human DNA: could fill 100 Encyclopaedia Books.

This is highly sophisticated intelligent data, containing the blue-print and building-blocks of life.

A single mistaken letter, can kill a person.

The size of WHEAT DNA is 5x the size of our DNA:

The Qurโ€™an states:

ู„ูŽุฎูŽู„ู’ู‚ู ุงู„ุณู‘ูŽู…ูŽุงูˆูŽุงุชู ูˆูŽุงู„ู’ุฃูŽุฑู’ุถู ุฃูŽูƒู’ุจูŽุฑู ู…ูู†ู’ ุฎูŽู„ู’ู‚ู ุงู„ู†ู‘ูŽุงุณู ูˆูŽู„ูŽูฐูƒูู†ู‘ูŽ ุฃูŽูƒู’ุซูŽุฑูŽ ุงู„ู†ู‘ูŽุงุณู ู„ูŽุง ูŠูŽุนู’ู„ูŽู…ููˆู†
โ€œThe creation of the heavens and earth is FAR GREATER than the creation of human beings, but most people do not know.โ€ [40:57].

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