Category: Marriage
Strange Dowry
Musaylamah [مسيلمة], was an infamous liar and a false Prophet, who appeared in Arabia towards the end of the Prophet Muhammad’s life.He copied Islam and changed whatever he didn’t like. He managed to gather some followers her...
View DetailsLid For Every Pot
If you’re looking for a spouse, and are about to give up hope…, don’t despair. The wise elders said: لكل وعاء غطاء ‘There is a lid for every pot.'...
View DetailsSpouses
Al-Qur’an: خَلَقَ لَكُم مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ أَزْوَٰجًا لِّتَسْكُنُوٓاْ إِلَيْهَا “He created spouses for you from yourselves, so that you may find comfort in them.” [30:21]....
View DetailsFind Someone Your Size
A very tall man married a very short woman and compiled the following poem: ورميتُ سَهمَ الحُبِ أقصدُ قَلبهَا فمَر من فوقها لِشّدة قِصَرِها ‘I shot the arrow of love, aiming at her heart, but it flew right...
View DetailsMarriage
It is said: الزواج مثل القلعة المحاصرة الذين بالداخل يودون الخروج و الذين بالخارج يريدون الدخول ‘Marriage is like a besieged castle: those inside want to get out, those outside want to get in.’ ...
View DetailsWhy People Lock Up Birds
If some women are locked up at home by their husbands, let them find solace in the statement of the poet: سجن العصفور في القفص لجماله 'The birds get locked up in cages, only because of their beauty....' Consider it...
View DetailsHusband & Wife Joke
A man’s wife died… The people carrying her coffin, bumped into a pillar and dropped the coffin. It turned out that his wife had only fainted, she was still alive and came out of the coffin! She lived for another four years, and died. They carried her...
View DetailsSearching For Diamonds In Garbage
When you say: “good [men]/[women] don’t exist anymore!” Maybe it is because YOU are searching for Diamonds in a pile of garbage? You may be looking in the wrong places… للذي يقولُ :لا يوجدُ امرأةٌ صَالحةٌ في وقتنا هذا ، اُخرُجْ من المستنقعِ الذي...
View DetailsMen Are The Caretakers
Al-Qur’an: الرِّجَالُ قَوَّامُونَ عَلَى النِّسَاءِ “Men are the caretakers of women.” [4:34]....
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