Category: Modesty
It is reported: أضاعت أعرابية ابنها في زحام، فظلت تبحث عنه وتناديه، فقيل لها: اكشفي وجهك لعله يراك فيهتدي إليك! قالت: ضياع أبنائي ولا ضياع حيائي. A Bedouin woman lost her son and she was looking for him and calling his name. ...
View DetailsNakedness
Mostafa al-Rafe'ie: إذا كان الجسد العاري دليل الحضارة ، فهنيئًا للحيوانـات فلهم كُل الحضارات "If displaying the nakedness of the body was a sign of being civilised, then congratulations to all animals, for they have reached...
View DetailsShyness
Shyness - حياء The Qur'an said: فَجَاءَتْهُ إِحْدَاهُمَا تَمْشِي عَلَى اسْتِحْيَاءٍ "Then one of the two women approached [Moses], walking with shyness." [Qur'an 28:25]. She approached Prophet Moses bashfully, covering her face with her hands (قد س...
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