Category: Truth & Lies
The Persians say: یک قطره دروغ , اقیانوسی از اعتماد را خراب میکند ... "One drop of lies, ruins an ocean of trust ..." Always work with honesty & integrity. Trust is very important, whether its: your family, yo...
View DetailsFalse Prophet
Ibn Kathir narrates: وقد قيل لابن عمر: إن المختار يزعم أن الوحي يأتيه. فقال: صدق، قال تعالى: { وَإِنَّ الشَّيَاطِينَ لَيُوحُونَ إِلَى أَوْلِيَائِهِمْ } [الأنعام: 121] . It was said to Ibn Omar: "Mukhtar al-Thaqafi claims that revelation ('w...
View DetailsPharaoh
Imagine a dude who looks like this ... saying: أَنَا رَبُّكُمُ الْأَعْلَى “I am your Lord, the most high!” [Qur'an 79:24]. 😑...
View DetailsPeople’s Words
Don't be fooled by people's words ... لا تنخدع بأقوالهم فرعون طول حياته وهو يقول أنا ربكم الأعلى وفي الأخر أتضح أنه لا يجيد السباحة... The Pharaoh spent his entire life, claiming: "I am your Lord, the Most High!" [Qur'an 79:24]. I...
View DetailsFake Saints
A fake-saint was selling Paradise land. He was charging people 100 Dinar, for a plot of land in Paradise. Ignorant people believed in him, thinking he is a saint, so it must be some kind of miracle. So one scholar went to him and said: "I want to buy...
View DetailsPermissible Lies
Permissible Lies - حكم الكذب وما يباح منه Lying is a bad trait but it is not forbidden in itself, it is forbidden if it has no benefit and/or causes harm. The jurists spoke about beneficial lies and even obligatory lies! Speaking the truth can som...
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