Importance Of Tawheed
Importance of Tawheed – أهمية التوحيد
It has been narrated with an authentic chain that the Prophet’s Companion Salman al-Farsi said:
دخل رجل الجنة في ذباب ، ودخل رجل النار ،
مر رجلان على قوم قد عكفوا على صنم لهم وقالوا لا يمر علينا اليوم أحد إلا قدم شيئا ، فقالوا لأحدهما : قدم شيئا ؟ فأبى فقتل ،
وقالوا للآخر : قدم شيئا ؟ فقالوا : قدم ولو ذبابا ؟ فقال : وإيش ذباب ؟ فقدم ذبابا فدخل النار ،
A man entered Paradise because of a fly.
Another man entered Hell because of a fly.
[Their story is as follows]:
Two men were passing the territory of some people who were devoting themselves to an idol they had.
They said: “Nobody can pass, except by making a sacrifice to it.”
They said to one of the men: “Sacrifice something.”
He refused, so they killed him [and he entered Paradise].
They said to the second man: “Sacrifice something … even if its a fly!”
He said [to himself]: ‘What is a fly?’ and he sacrificed it [for the idol].
So he entered Hell.
[“Musanaf Ibn Abi Shaybah”, 6/473 – الحديث صحيح موقوفا على سلمان الفارسي ].
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