Jinn Possession

Can the Jinn speak with the Tongue of a Human? – كلام الجن بلسان الإنس

We believe in Jinn. They enter our bodies and whisper things to us – there is Ijmaa of Ahlus-Sunnah on this.

HOWEVER there is no evidence from the Qur’an and Sunnah, that Jinn can control human beings and speak with their tongues.

Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi wrote 1,000 years ago:

وأما كلام الشيطان على لسان المصروع؛ فهذا من مخاريق العزامين، ولا يجوز إلا في عقول ضعفاء العجائز
ونحن نسمع المصروع يحرك لسانه بالكلام؛ فكيف صار لسانه لسان الشيطان؟ إن هذا لتخليط ما شئت.
وإنما يلقي الشيطان في النفس يوسوس فيها؛ كما قال الله تعالى: {يُوَسْوِسُ فِي صُدُورِ النَّاسِ}، وكما قال تعالى: {إِلَّا إِذَا تَمَنَّى أَلْقَى الشَّيْطَانُ فِي أُمْنِيَّتِهِ}؛
فهذا هو فعل الشيطان فقط
وأما أن يتكلم على لسان أحد؛ فحمق عتيق، وجنون ظاهر؛
فنعوذ بالله من الخذلان، والتصديق بالخرافات

“As for the devil speaking with the tongue of an epileptic person: these are all tricks of those who do Ruqya.

And this phenomenon only makes sense in the minds of the weak and elderly.

We hear the epileptic person moving his tongue and speaking in his own words, so how can it be said that the devil has taken possession of his tongue? This is mere confusion!

But what the devil does is related to the soul and it is just whispers, as Allah said: “Whispers [evil] into the breasts of mankind” [114:5], And: “Satan threw some (vanity) into his desire.” [22:52].

So this – and only this – is what the devil is capable of.

But as for the devil speaking with the tongue of someone, then that’s an ancient [myth], insanity and a clear case of [mental] madness.

We seek refuge with God from believing in superstitions.”

[“Rasail Ibn Hazm”, 3/228].


These are 2 different things:

1- Jinn entering human bodies
2- Jinn taking over control of human will, mind, body and tongue

The first one is established in the Qur’an and Sunnah and consensus of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah.

The second one is illogical, because:

1- The Jinn can travel all over the world and even to the stars – yet, when they speak with the tongue of someone, it’s always a local dialect. You will never hear a person that is possessed in our countries, speak German, Japanese or Russian. It’s always a local language.

2- If they could control human beings, why would they possess weak and elderly women in villages? Why not posses Putin, Trump or Kim Jong Un and start a nuclear World War?

3- If they could control humans, then everyone could say in the Islamic court: “It wasn’t me. I was controlled by a Jinn.” It is well-known that this is not an excuse in Islamic courts.

4- Humans also have protecting angels.

5- If the devils were capable of physically controlling humans, why would they just whisper? Isn’t it more effective to take hold of someone’s body and then steal or kill? Isn’t that more effective than just whispering? Surely they would be doing this all the time, if they were capable of it.

6- Neurology has also established that many of these people have psychological disorders, which can be cured by medication.

Allaahu A’alam.

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