Which Madhab?
Zamakhshari was once asked about his ‘madhab’, and he wrote the following poem:
إذا سألوا عن مذهبي لم أبح بــه *** وأكتمــه ، كــتمانــه لــي أسـلــــمُ
فإن حنفيا قلــت ، قالــوا بأننـــي *** أبيح الطلا وهو الشراب المحـــرمُ
وإن مالكيا قلــت ، قالــوا بأننــي *** أبيــح لهـم أكـل الكلاب وهــم هــمُ
وإن شافعيا قلـت ، قالــوا بأننــي *** أبيح نكاح البنــت والبـنت تحـــرمُ
وإن حنبليا قلــت ، قالــوا بأننــي *** ثقــــيل حلــولـي بغيـــض مجســمُ
وإن قلت من أهل الحديث وحزبه *** يقولون : تيس ليس يدري ويفهمُ
تعجبت مـن هذا الزمــان وأهلـــه *** فمـا أحـد مـن ألسن الناس يسلــمُ
وأخرني دهــري وقــدم معشــــرا *** علــى أنهـم لا يعــلمــون وأعلــــمُ
ومذ أفلح الجهال أيقنت أننــــــي *** أنا الميم والأيام أفلح أعلـــــــــــمُ
“If they ask me about my Madhab, I will not reveal it.
I will conceal it. Concealing is safer for me.
If I say that I am a Hanafi, they would say:
“Oh! He allows drinking prohibited drinks!”
If I say that I am a Maliki, they would say:
“He allows eating dog meat and they are what they are!”
If I say that I am a Shafi’i, they would say:
“He allows a father to marry his own daughter which was born to him out of fornication, while it is prohibited to marry such a girl!”
If I say that I am a Hanbali, they would say:
“Oh! He is heavy-handed, despised and a believer in corporealism and anthropomorphism.”
If I say that am of one of Ahl-e-Hadith, they would say:
“He is a ram who doesn’t know, neither understands anything!”
I wonder how is the times and the people in it.
No one is safe from the tongues of the people.
The times had pushed me behind and advanced some others,
because they are ignorant while I am the only one who understands.
Since the ignorant people had become successful,
I tend to believe that I am like the letter “Mim”,
and the times are just like a man whose both lips, upper and lower, are torn.”
(note: he means, the letter ‘Mim’ cannot be pronounced if you don’t have lips)
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