Fitnah Of Khawarij
Fitnah of Khawaarij – فتنة الخوارج
The devil misguides some people with kufr, and others by making them misunderstand Islam.
A good example are the Khawarij extremists.
1- Ibn Al-Jawzi said:
واستحلوا دماء الأطفال, ولم يستحلوا أكل ثمرة بغير ثمنها
“They [the khawarij] legalised shedding the blood of children, but did not allow the eating of fruit without paying for it.”
[“Tilbis Iblis”, p. 131].
2- Ibn al-Athir mentions about a group of Khawarij :
ثم مر بهم خنزير لأهل الذمة فضربه أحدهم بسيفه، فقالوا: هذا فساد في الأرض فلقى صاحب الخنزير فأرضاه
“Then a pig that belonged to the people of Dhimmah passed by them. One of them struck it with his sword. The other (khariji) said: “This is mischief in the land.” So they paid compensation to the owner of the pig.
[‘Al-Kaamil’, 3/341].
3- Ibn Kathir mentions that the Khariji Ibn Muljam killed Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib.
When this Khariji was captured, they found a wound (mark) on his forehead, due to his excessive prostrations.
The people amputated his arms & legs – while he continued reciting Qur’an.
Only when they were about to cut off his tongue, he became worried and said:
إني أخشى أن تمر علي ساعة لا أذكر الله فيها
“I fear that a moment will pass in which I will not be able to remember God!!”
[‘Al-Bidayah wa-Nihayah’, 4/317].
The devil convinced them that killing a pig was unjustified.
Yet – at the same time, the devil somehow convinced them that killing humans was perfectly justified.
May God protect us against misguidance, Ameen
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