Creepy Incident
A creepy incident:
ذكر الطنطاويُّ أيضاً في سماعاتِه ومشاهداتِه : أن باصاً كان مليئاً بالركاب ، وكان سائقُه يلتفتُ يَمْنَةً ويسْرَةً ، وفجأة وقف ، فقال له الركابُ : لِم تقفُ ؟ قال : أقفُ لهذا الشيخ الكبيرِ الذي يُشيرُ بيده ليركب معنا . قالوا : لا نرى أحداً ، قال : انظروا إليه . قالُوا : لا نرى أحداً ! قال : هو أقبل الآن ليركب معنا . قالوا كلُّهم : واللهِ لا نرى أحداً من الناسِ ! وفجأة مات هذا السائقُ على مقعدِ سيارتِهِ
A bus full of people was moving when the driver suddenly pressed on the brakes.
The passengers asked him what was wrong.
He said, “I am stopping for this old man who is waving so that he can get on the bus.”
They all said in wonder, “We do not see anyone.”
He said, “Look at him over there!”
They repeated that there was no one to be seen.
He said confidently, “Now look, he is coming to get in!!”
Now the situation was beyond wonder, and they exclaimed, “By Allah, we don’t see anyone!!”
Then, in an instant, the driver died in his seat.
[“Laa Tahzan”, Page 426 – Aydh al-Qarni].
Maybe he saw the Angel of Death, Allahu A’alam
May God grant us all a good ending.
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