
Destiny – هل الإنسان مسيًّر أم مخيًّر؟

A student asked a wise man if humans have FREE WILL or if things are FORCED upon us?

The wise man said: “ارفع قدمك – lift your foot.”

He did – so the wise man said: “This is free will.”

The wise man asked him to keep his foot in the air and said: “ارفع قدمك الأخرى – Now, also lift your other foot.”

He couldn’t!

The wise man said: “In this, we have no choice.”

The wise man said that some things are forced upon us and in some things we have a choice.


There are certain things in life in which we had no say – like our country of birth, our date of birth, our family, our skin colour, our looks, etc.

But there are other things in which we have a free will, like worshipping God, being a good or bad human being, etc.

God will not ask us about what was not in our control.
God will only ask us about what was in our control.

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