Dress & Clothing
Dress & Clothing – ملابس
1- Imaam Tirmidhi narrated:
أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم لَبِسَ جُبَّةً رُومِيَّةً ضَيِّقَةَ الْكُمَّيْنِ
“The Prophet (ﷺ) wore a ROMAN Jubbah with tight sleeves.”
(SAHIH – “Tirmidhi”, 1768 , who says: هذا حديث حسن صحيح ).
2- Imaam Bukhari narrated:
وعليه جبة شامية
“… And [the Prophet] was wearing a Syrian cloak.”
(“Sahih Bukhari”, 363).
1- Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani said:
قوله : ( باب الصلاة في الجبة الشامية ) هذه الترجمة معقودة لجواز الصلاة في ثياب الكفار ما لم يتحقق نجاستها ، وإنما عبر بالشامية مراعاة للفظ الحديث ، وكانت الشام إذ ذاك دار كفر
“… This proves that it is permissible to pray in the clothing of the unbelievers, as long as it is clean … SYRIA WAS BACK THEN THE LAND OF DISBELIEF (daar kufr).”
[“Fath al-Baari”, 565].
2- Imam al-Saffarini stated,
يُكْرَهُ مُخَالَفَةُ أَهْلِ بَلَدِهِ فِي اللِّبَاسِ، وَيَنْبَغِي أَنْ يَلْبَسَ مَلَابِسَ بَلَدِهِ؛ لِئَلَّا يُشَارَ إلَيْهِ بِالْأَصَابِعِ
“It is disliked for someone to oppose the people of his country in his dress-code. Rather, one should dress in accordance with one’s local dress so that he is not pointed out by people.”
[“Sharh al-Manzuma al-Adab”, 2:161].
3- Ibn Battal mentions:
الذي ينبغي للرجل أن يتزيا في كل زمان بزي أهله ما لم يكن إثما، لأن مخالفة الناس في زيهم ضرب من الشهرة
“In a given period, a person should dress according to the dress of his land, as long as it is not sinful to do so, since dressing in a contrary manner is a form of notoriety.”
[“Sharh al-Sahih al-Bukhari”, 9:123].
4- Ibn Muflih wrote:
وقال ابن عقيل في الفنون لا ينبغي الخروج من عادات الناس إلا في الحرام
Ibn Aqil says in ‘Al-Funun’: “It is not appropriate to go against the customs of the people, except when it comes to ‘Haram’ matters.”
[“Aadaab al-Shar’iyah”, 2/44].
Islam did not come down with a uniform – people of all cultures kept their traditional clothing.
Islam came with some guidelines regarding clothes, like:
– They should not be too revealing, exposing the private parts
– They should not be too tight, exposing the shape of the private parts
– They should not be religious dress of other faiths, such as the cross, kippah, etc.
When you are among certain people, wear their traditional clothing.
When in Arab lands, dress like Arabs.
When in China, dress like Chinese.
When in Europe, dress like Europeans.
When in Africa, dress like Africans.
Obviously, within the guidelines of religion.
It is not required to go against the customs of the people and look odd in their eyes.
That invites negative attention, backbiting and mockery.
Allaahu A’alam
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