Extremism & Leniency

Imaam al-Shaatibi al-Maliki says:

المفتي البالغ ذروة الدرجة هو الذي يَحمِل الناس على الوسط المعهود فيما يليق بالجمهور، فلا يذهب بهم مذهب الشدة، ولا يميل بهم إلى طرف الانحلال
ولأنه إذا ذهب بالمستفتي مذهب العنت والحرج بُغّض إليه الدين، وأدى إلى الانقطاع عن سلوك طريق الآخرة
وأما إذا ذهب به مذهب الانحلال كان مظنة للمشي مع الهوى والشهوة

“The Mufti who has reached the highest peak [in knowledge and understanding], takes the people to the middle path, which is befitting for the masses.
He does not impose harsh opinions on them, nor does he make them lean towards the path of relaxation.
If a person were to take the path of harsh and difficult rulings, his mind will become frustrated towards religion. This stops him from moving forward in the quest for the Hereafter.
And if he is pushed towards the path of relaxation, it is feared that he will choose to walk this path in accordance with his passion and personal desires.”

[“Al-Muwafaqaat”, 5/277].

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