Isolating From Mosques During Pandemics
Relevant in light of the spread of the new Omicron variant:
Imam Al-Mardawi Hanbali states:
”(ويعذر في ترك الجمعة والجماعة المريض)
بلا نزاع، ويعذر أيضا في تركهما لخوف حدوث المرض.”
(الإنصاف، ٣٠٠/٢)
“An ill person is excused in non-attendance of Friday prayers and (other) congregational prayers, undisputedly.
A person is also excused in not attending them for fear of the incidence of illness.”
[“Al-Insaf”, 2/300]
And classical jurists said that if certain individuals have a contagious disease, they should be banned from the mosques and other gatherings.
يا ليت قومي يعلمون!
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