
Ibn al-Jawzi mentions:

حدثنا عيسى بن عمر قال ولي إعرابي البحرين فجمع يهودها وقال ما تقولون في عيسى بن مريم قالوا نحن قتلناه وصلبناه قال فقال الإعرابي لا جرم فهل أديتم ديته فقالوا لا فقال والله لا تخرجون من عندي حتى تؤدوا إلي ديته فما خرجوا حتى دفعوها له.

A Bedouin was granted power over Bahrain.
He gathered all the Yahood and said: “What is your view regarding Jesus?”
They proudly said: “We killed him and we crucified him.”
The Bedouin asked: “And have you all paid his blood money?”
They said: “No.”
The Bedouin said: “You will not get away from me, until you pays his blood money.”
He made them all pay his blood money…

[“Al-Adhkiyaa”, 1/42].

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