Permissible Lies
Did you know that sometimes : lying (كذب) can become obligatory and telling the truth (حق) can become a sin?
Imaam Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi says (“Al-Fisal”, 4/5):
فليس كل كذب معصية بل منه ما يكون طاعة لله عز و جل وفرضا واجبا يعصى من تركه صح ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال ليس الكذاب الذي يصلح بين الناس فينمي خيرا وقد أباح عليه السلام كذب الرجل لامرأته فيما يستجلب به مودتها وكذلك الكذب في الحرب
“Not every lie is a sin.
In fact, some lies are obedience to God.
At times, lying becomes an obligation and leaving it becomes a sin.
It has been authentically reported that the Prophet said: “The one who makes peace between people is not a liar.”
The Prophet also allowed a man to lie to his wife in things that may create affection between them (i.e. like saying that the food was nice, or she looks nice – even if untrue).
Similarly, it is allowed to lie during war.”
He gave another example in which telling the truth will be a sin: when an oppressive ruler asks the location of Muslims in order to kill and oppress them. He says, in this case the Muslim has to lie to protect them.
If he speaks the truth and reveals their whereabouts, he will be committing a major sin:
فاسقا عاصيا لله عز و جل فاعل كبيرة مذموما تماما
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