Appearances Are Important

It is important to appear presentable at all times…

It is reported:
ونظر أشعب إلى شيخ قبيح الوجه، فقال: ألم ينهكم سليمان بن داود عن أن تخرجوا بالنهار!
Ash’ab saw a scary looking person and said to him: ‘Did Prophet Sulaiman not forbid [Jinns] like you from coming out during the day?!’

Ibn al-Jawzi narrates:
وقفت امرأة قبيحة على عطار ماجن فلما نظر إليها قال وإذا الوحوش حشرت فقالت وضرب لنا مثلاً ونسي خلقه
A man saw a woman who hadn’t looked after herself, so he recited: ‘And when wild beasts are gathered together!’ [Qur’an 81:5].
He himself was also all over the place, so she responded to him, by reciting the Ayah: ‘And he makes comparisons for us, and forgets his own origin!” [36:78].
[“Al-Adhkiyaa”, 1/66].

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