Big Nose
Imam Dhahabi wrote:
أن أبا عاصم كان ضخم الأنف
فتزوج امرأة فلما خلا بها دنا منها ليقبلها
فقالت له نح ركبتك عن وجهي
قال ليس ذا ركبة إنما هو أنف
“Abu Aasim had a huge nose.
He married a girl, he approached her, to kiss her.
She said: “Move your knee from my face!”
He said: “Its a nose, its not a knee.”
[“Siyar A’lam al-Nubala”, 14/93].
* He was one of the teachers of Bukhari, a major Hadith scholar. He was known for his humour. He himself narrated this funny story about himself to others.
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