Claiming Credit For Other People’s Work
A fly sat on the horn of a bull which was ploughing the fields. When the fly went home, it was asked by other flies: ‘where have you been?’ The fly replied: ‘WE have been ploughing the fields……’
People who take credit for other people’s hard work are like this fly …
يحكى ان ذبابة وقفت فوق قرن ثور الحراثة فحين رجعت لبيتها..
سألتها ذبابة أخرى أين كنت !؟
فقالت كنا نحرث !!!!!
هكذا هم بعض الناس ينسبون الى أنفسهم انجازات و مجهودات الغير .
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