Fatawa Change With Time

How Fatwa Changes with Time – تغير الفتوى

Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani al-Maliki’s wall collapsed.

It was about 1000 years ago and he feared harm from the Shiah Rawafidh of his time.

So he tied a guard dog there.

Someone said to him:

إن مالكا يكره ذلك
“Imaam Maalik disliked that.”

Ibn Abi Zayd said to him:

لو أدرك مالكٌ زماننا، لاتّخذٓ أسداً ضارياً
“If Maalik were to encounter our times, he would deploy a lion!!”

[“Sharh Zarruq ala Matn al-Risalah”, 2/414].

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