Funny Incidents

Ibn al-Jawzi narrates more funny incidents (p. 154):

– مرض رجل مرة فلما اشتد به المرض أمر بجمع العيدان والطنابير والمزامير إلى بيته فأنكروا عليه ذلك فقال‏:‏ إنما فعلت ذلك لأني سمعت أن الملائكة لا تدخل بيتاً فيه شيء من آلات الملاهي والفجور فإن كان ملك الموت من الملائكة دفعته عني بهذه الأشياء‏.‏

A man became extremely ill, so he asked his relatives to fill his house with guitars and musical instruments.
His family objected to this but he said:
“It has reached me that the Angels do not enter a house in which there are musical instruments. If the Angel of Death is an Angel, this should keep him away from me.”

And another incident (p. 123):

قال عثمان بن عمر‏:‏ نزل الموت بزوج امرأة ، فقيل لها‏:‏ لو دخلت على زوجك وودعتيه .؟ قالت‏:‏ أخاف أن يعرفني ملك الموت .

A man was lying on his death-bed.
They told his wife: “Why don’t you go inside and say farewell to your husband?”
She said: “I’m afraid that the Angel of Death might recognise me if I go in there.”

[“Akhbar al-Hamqa”, pp. 123, 154].

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