Funny Story
Funny Story: الشيخ كشك رحمه الله
Shaykh Kishk was once summoned by an oppressive government official.
The official asked: “What separates you from a donkey?”
Kishk replied: “The table that is between us.”
The guards started beating him until he couldn’t walk.
A guard then carried him on his back to his cell.
As he was getting carried away, the Shaykh recited the Du’a we make when riding an animal:
“Glory to Him Who has given this [ride] in our control, and we did not have the strength to do it ourselves.” [Qur’an 43:13].
قال الشيخ كشك رحمه الله: – طلبني مأمور القسم، وسألني ما الفرق بينك وبين الحمار؟ فقلت: المكتب اللي قدام سعادتك. – فأمر العسكري بضربي، وعندما ضربني قال له احمله على ظهرك إلى زنزانته.. فعندما حملني قلت: سبحان الذي سخر لنا هذا وما كنا له مقرنين.. فنزلني وكمل ضرب.
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