Is Qur’an Qadeem?

Is the Qur’an Qadeem? القرآن قديم‏

Ibn al-Jawzi narrated:

‏ سمع رجل في زماننا قوماً يتكلمون في القرآن ويقول بعضهم‏:‏ ليس بقديم .
.فقال‏:‏ ما أبله هؤلاء قد تكلم الله بالقرآن منذ خمسمائة سنة فكيف لا يكون قديماً ‏.
A simple man heard some people arguing about the Qur’an.
Some of them were saying: “[God’s speech – the Qur’an] is not Qadeem!” (ancient) *
He said: “What is wrong with these people! God spoke with the Qur’an 500 years ago! How is that not Qadeem (ancient)?!”

[“Akhbar al-Hamqa”, 1/166].

* This was an old theological debate, which he wasn’t aware of. It was a technical discussion about whether God has spoken the words of the Qur’an in eternity, or if God said it new, at the time of Revelation.

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