Memory Loss

Khatib al-Baghdadi records that Ash’ab was narrating Ahadith to a group of people.

He said:

سمعت عكرمة يقول سمعت بن عباس يقول سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يقول خلتان لا يجتمعان في مؤمن ثم سكت فقالوا ما الخلتان فقال نسي عكرمة واحدة ونسيت أنا الأخرى
“On the authority of Ikrimah, on the authority of Ibn Abbas, that the Prophet said: “Two characteristics do not come together in a believer…”
He went quiet……………….
They asked: “Which two characteristics?”
He replied: “Ikrimah forgot one of them, and I forgot the other.”
[“Tarikh Baghdad”, 7/39].

* He meant this Hadith: [it is a weak narration].
This incident is also mentioned by Ibn Hajar, Dhahabi Ibn ‘Asaakir and others.

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