Pronouncing Intentions
Some scholars believed that it is recommended to pronounce the intention verbally.
Ibn Kathir narrates that Al-Hamdani said:
كان أبي إذا أراد أن يؤدبني أخذ العصا بيده ثم يقول : نويت أن أضرب ولدي تأديبا كما أمر الله ثم يضربني ، قال : وإلى أن ينوي ويتمم النية كنت أهرب
“Whenever my father intended to discipline me, he used to grab his walking-stick and say: “I hereby intend to discipline my son, … etc, etc.”
Al-Hamdani said: I used to escape before he could finish his intentions!!”
[“Al-Bidayah wa-Nihayah”, 12/188].
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