Questioning Of The Grave
The Questioning of the Grave – أخبار الحمقى والمغفلين
Ibn al-Jawzi narrated a funny incident:
دخل بعض المغفلين على رجل يعزيه باخ له فقال أعظم الله أجرك ورحم أخاك وأعانه على ما يرد عليه من مسألة ياجوج وماجوج
فضحك من حضر وقالوا له ويحك وياجوج وماجوج يسائلان الناس
فقال لعن الله ابليس أردت ان اقول هاروت وماروت
A man tried to give condolences to another man whose brother had died.
He said: “May God help him with the questioning of Yajooj & Majooj.”
The people started laughing.
They said to him: “Woe to you, do Yajooj & Majooj even question people?!”
He said: “May God curse the Devil (who confused me)! I was actually trying to say “Haroot & Maroot”.”
[“Ahkbar al-Hamqa”, 1/168].
For those who didn’t get it: Double Fail – He was wrong again, its ‘Munkar & Nakir’ (منكر ونكير).
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