Stalin & Fortune Teller

Joseph Stalin was once sitting in his office.

One of his body guards came and said: “There is a man at the door who claims he can see the future. He wants to tell you what he has seen.”

Stalin said: “Execute him. If he knew the future, he wouldn’t have walked to his own death.”

كان الزعيم الروسي جوزيف ستالين
جالسا في مكتبه كعادته
فطرق بابه احد حرّاسه قائلا :
على الباب رجل يقول أنه يتنبأ بالمستقبل و يريد مقابلتك ليبوح لك بما رآه ..
فأجابه ستالين بكل برودة :
اعدموه …فلو كان يعرف المستقبل لما أتى برجليه الى مقبرته.

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