Stories Of Cowards
Among the stories about cowards:
عض ثعلب أعرابيًا فأتى راقيًا، فقال الراقي: ما عضك؟!
فقال: كلب، واستحى أن يقول: ثعلب!
فلما بدأ الراقي بالرقية، قال له الأعرابي: اخلط بها شيئًا من رقية الثعالب!
A coward was bitten by a fox. He went to the doctor and the doctor asked: “What bit you?”
He said: “A dog” – and felt ashamed to say a fox.
As the doctor was preparing the dog medicine, the coward said: “Mix it up with some fox medicine, just in case.”
قيل لجبان: انهزمت فغضب الأمير عليك، قال: ليغضب الأمير وأنا حي أحب إلي من أن يرضى وأنا ميت.
It was said to another coward: ‘You fled from the battlefield and made your leader angry.’
The coward replied: ‘It is better that I am alive and my leader is angry at me, than that I am dead and he is pleased with me.’
وقبل لأحدهم: ما لك لا تغزو؟ قال: والله إني لأبغض الموت على فراشي فكيف أمر إليه ركضاً؟
Another coward was asked: “Why don’t you go to war?”
The coward replied: “By Allah, I fear death when I’m in my bed and you want me to run to it?!”
After battle, another coward was telling people his story of “bravery”, saying: “I then struck the enemy’s leg!!” He was asked: “Why did you not aim for his neck?” He said: “That was already struck by someone else.” [i.e. the enemy was already dead].
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