The Funny Guest

A man visited his friends house.
Day 1: he placed MILK in front of his guest.
Day 2: he placed MILK in front of his guest.
Day 3: he placed MILK in front of his guest.
The guest was frustrated – expecting other food.
The man asked: “What is wrong my friend?”
The guest said: “I am waiting for you to wean me.” *

‏نزل أحدهم ضيفا على رجل صديق
فقدم له في اليوم الأول حليب..
وفي اليوم الثاني حليب.
وفي اليوم الثالث حليب…
وفي اليوم الرابع جلس الضيف حزينا .
فسأله صديقه : ما بك يا صديقي ؟
أجاب الضيف : أنتظر حتى تفطمني

* Weaning is when a mother accustoms a baby to solid food and separates it from milk.

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