Types Of Hanbalis

Ibn Abu Ya’la narrates:

وقال ابن بطة: اجتاز بعض المحبين للبربهاري ممن يحضر مجلسه من العوام وهو سكران على بدعي فقال البدعي: هؤلاء الحنبلية قال: فرجع إليه وقال: الحنبلية على ثلاثة أصناف صنف زهاد يصومون ويصلون وصنف يكتبون ويتفقهون وصنف يصفعون لكل مخالف مثلك وصفعه وأوجعه

A Hanbali layman who loved Imaam al-Barbahari and used to attended his classes was once drunk.
He walked past some innovators.
An innovator said: “He’s one of the Hanbalis!”
The drunk Hanbali layman turned to him and said:
“There are actually 3 types of Hanbalis:
1- The ascetic Hanbalis, who engage in prayer and fasting,
2- The Hanbalis who are concerned with writing and acquiring knowledge,
3- The Hanbalis who slap every opponent – like you!
Then he went and slapped him!”

[“Tabaqaat al-Hanabilah”, 1/190].

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