Usuli Husband

A man was studying Usul al-Fiqh – أصول الفقه

His wife asked: “If you were to choose between me and such and such woman, who would you prefer?”

The man replied, citing an Usuli principle:

“Don’t give preference (tarjih) to one over the other, unless harmony/reconciliation (jama’) between them is impossible.”

سألت امرأة زوجها وكان مشتغلاً بعلم أصول الفقه
فقالت : لو خيروك بيني وبين فلانة فمن تختار ؟!
فقال لها : لا ينظر إلى الترجيح إلا إذا تعذر الجمع

* That principle is actually about reconciling conflicting reports/texts, he applied it in the general sense 😂

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