Who Deserves To Rule?
Majnun was asked:
سُئل قيس بن الملوح: “من أحق بالخلافة، بنو هاشم أم بنو أمية؟”
أجاب: “ليلى”.
“Who was the most deserving of rulership – Banu Hashim or Banu Umayyah?”
He replied:
Majnun was asked:
سُئل قيس بن الملوح: “من أحق بالخلافة، بنو هاشم أم بنو أمية؟”
أجاب: “ليلى”.
“Who was the most deserving of rulership – Banu Hashim or Banu Umayyah?”
He replied:
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