God’s Patience With The Oppressors
God’s Patience with the Oppressors – الظالمين
It has been said:
مر عامر بن بهدلة برجل قد صلبه الحجاج
فقال: يا رب إن حلمك على الظالمين قد أضر بالمظلومين.
فرأى في منامه أن القيامة قد قامت وكأنه قد دخل الجنة، فرأى المصلوب فيها في أعلى عليين،
وإذا مناد ينادي: حلمي على الظالمين أحل المظلومين في أعلى عليين
Amir bin Bahdalah passed by the body of a righteous man who had been crucified by the tyrant al-Hajjaj 1,300 years ago.
He said:
“Lord, Your patience with the oppressors has caused a lot of harm to the oppressed!”
That night, as he slept, he had a dream.
It was as if Judgement Day had come to pass, and he had been entered into Paradise.
There, he saw the man who had been crucified and found him in the Highest Peaks of Heaven (A’la ’Illiyyiiin).
And suddenly, a caller proclaimed:
“My patience with the oppressors has landed the oppressed in the Highest Peaks of Heaven!!!”
[“Rabi al-Abrar”, 1/272].
Copyright Shafi Chowdhury
Meaning, all the pain and suffering the oppressed endure in this life, will be rewarded on the Day of Judgement.
And God will deal with the oppressors on the Day of Judgement.
Full justice will be done.
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