Don’t Mess With Grammarians
A man wanted to debate a grammarian.
He knocked on his door, his maid opened the door.
He asked the maid: “Where is your master?”
She said:
فاءَ إلى الفيافي ليفيئ لنا فيئاً حتى إذا فاء الفيئُ , فاء
“He went (faa’a),
to the desert (fayaafee),
to hunt (yafee’a),
for us a game (fay’).
Until when the shadow (fay’),
retreats (faa’a),
he’ll return (faa’a).”
The man thought to himself: whatttt the helllll???
If the maid talks this posh, what about the Master?!!!
He left and never returned 😂😂
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