Mistakes In Grammar
It has been mentioned:
ومر عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه على قوم يسيئون الرمي، فقرعهم، فقالوا: إنا قوم ” متعلمين ” ، فأعرض مغضباً، وقال: والله لخطؤكم في لسانكم، أشد علي من خطئكم في رميكم
Omar Ibn al-Khattab passed by some people who were making mistakes in archery.
When he rebuked them, one of them said: “We are just learners” (but he made a mistake by saying muta’alimeen instead of muta’alimoon).
Omar turned away in anger and said: “Your tongue’s mistakes are more severe than your mistakes at archery!”
[“Mu’jam Al-Udaba”, 1].
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