One of the Salaf said:
وعن بعض السلف، تعلمت معنى السورة من بائع الثلج كان يصيح، ويقول:
ارحموا من يذوب رأس ماله، ارحموا من يذوب رأس ماله،
فقلت: هذا معنى أنّ الاِنسان لفي خسر يمرّ به العصر فيمضي عمره ولا يكتسب فإذا هو خاسر
‘I learned the meaning of the Surah (i.e. al-‘Asr – Chapter 103) from an ice-seller who was crying out:
“Have mercy upon whose capital is melting!
Have mercy upon whose capital is melting!!”
So I said: this is the meaning of the verse: “MAN IS IN A STATE OF LOSS”! [Qur’an 103:2].
As time passes by, man’s lifespan expires, and if he does not gain, then he is by default making losses.”
[“Tafsir al-Kabir”, 32/81].
The life which has been granted to mankind is passing quickly like melting ice.
Everyone is in loss, EXCEPT: those who believe, do good deeds, encourage each to truth and patience.
May God make us among them.
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